The SEMILAR Application (beta)
The SEMILAR Application offers access to the SEMILAR library from a Graphical User Interface (see few screenshots at the bottom of this page).
A quick introduction to SEMILAR Application will be available here.
Downloading and setting up SEMILAR Application
What is required?
SEMILAR application can be run in Windows and Linux (not fully tested) environment. Java 1.8 or later is required.
1. Download Semilar-1.0.2 (~1 MB), Download and unzip it. You will see Semilar.jar in the unzipped folder.
2. Download and extract supporting file(s) into the folder Semilar-1.0.2 (i.e. along with Semilar.jar) as mentioned below.
You can download a single zip file containing all supporting files (557 MB, Download)
Download the following files and extract them in to Semilar-1.0.2.
Stanford-CoreNLP (344 MB), Download (Or download it directly from )
Apache OpenNLP 1.5.3 (4.4 MB), Download
OpenNLP Models v1.5 (77.3 MB), Download (8.5 MB), Download (16.3 MB), Download (109 MB), Download Download
3. Please make sure that all the files mentioned above are downloaded and unzipped in the proper place.
Incomplete or improper setup is one of the common issues about failing to run the semilar application properly (even though you are able to start the application, it does not function correctly if dependent files are missing). Once you configure, the content of Semilar-1.0.2 would look like:
Also make sure that you have java 1.8 or higher.
4. For further details and to get started using SEMILAR application, please see Quick Introduction to SEMILAR Application ( Click here ).
SEMILAR Application Screenshots
Screenshots of various tabs in SEMILAR application are shown below. Please note that currently released version of SEMILAR application
is the simplified version of full feature application.
In the project folder you can load datasets or previously save projects.
The DataView tab allows you to view the data and the various similarity metrics that were selected to generate in other tabs.
From the Similarity Methods, you can choose similarity methods and their configuration parameters.